TNJPHMR Article Submission Guidelines:

Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research, is an official publication from Govt.Stanley Medical College & Hospital , Chennai . It publishes original Research articles/ Case Reports /Scientific papers focusing on Anatomy , Physiology , Pharmacology , Pathology , Biochemistry , Opthalmology , ENT , Community Medicine, General Medicine , Surgery , Obstetrics & Gynaecology , Paediatrics , Cardiology and other specialties ; and invites annotations, comments, and review papers on recent advances, editorial correspondence, news and book reviews.

Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research is committed to an unbiased, independent, anonymous and confidential review of articles submitted to it. Manuscripts submitted to this Journal, should not have been published or under consideration for publication in any substantial form in any other publication, professional or lay. All manuscripts will become the property of the Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research.

Submit article typed in double space (including references), with wide margins as electronic copy through online manuscript submission system at our website . We have an online unbiased processing system and the authors can login any time to view the status of any submitted article. Authors need to register as a new author for their first submission if you are seeing this page then it means you have already registered. There is no need to send a hard copy. For any query contact editorial office at

Click Here to see the standard review procedure.

Links :

Fees for Publication :

Publication (Online) + Pdf & E-Certificate will be sent by email Rs.1500
Extra Hard Copy - Only For Authors Each Rs.750


These ready to use templates are made to help the contributors write as per the requirements of the Journal. Save the templates on your computer and use them with a word processor program. Click open the file and save as the manuscript file.In the program keep 'Document Map' and 'Comments' on from 'View' menu to navigate through the file.

Download Template for Covering Letter. (.DOC file)

Download Main Content Template for Original Articles/ABSTRACT Reports. (.DOC file)

Download Main Content Template for Case Reports. (.DOC file)

Download Main Content Template for Review Articles. (.DOC file)

Download Main Content Template for Scientific Letter. (.DOC file)

Preparation of the manuscript:

American spellings should be used. Authors are requested to adhere to the word limits. Editorial/viewpoint should be about 1500 words, and continuing medical education/review articles should be limited to 4500 words. Original articles should limit to 3000 and short articles to 1500 words, letters and book review should be limited to 750 and 500 words respectively. This word limit includes abstract, references and tables etc. Articles exceeding the word limit for a particular category of manuscript would not be processed further. All articles should mention how human and animal ethical aspect of the study was addressed. Whether informed consent was taken or not? Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. When reporting experiment on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.

Each of the following sections should begin on a separate page. Number all page in sequence beginning with the title page.


This should contain the title of the manuscript, the name of all authors, a short title (not more than 20 words) to be used as the running title, source of support in the form of grants, equipments, drugs etc., the institution where the work has been carried out and the address for correspondence including telephone, fax and e-mail. One of the authors should be identified as the in-charge of the paper who will take responsibility of the article as a whole.


This should be a structured condensation of the work not exceeding 250 words for original research articles and 150 words for short articles. It should be structured under the following headings: background, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and 5-8 keywords to index the subject matter of the article. Please do not make any other heading


It must be concise and should follow the IMRAD format: Introduction, Material and Methods, Result, Discussion. The matter must be written in a manner, which is easy to understand, and should be restricted to the topic being presented. If there is no separate paragraph of conclusion, the discussion should end in conclusion statement. Each Table and Figure/Picture should be on a separate page and should be given at the end of the manuscript. Please do not insert tables etc within the text.


These should be placed as the last element of the text before references. Written permissions of persons/agency acknowledged should be provided.

Conflict of interest:

A brief statement on source of funding and conflict of interest should be included. It should be included on a separate page immediately following title page.

Contribution of Authors:

Briefly mention contribution of each author in multi author article.


In citing other work only reference consulted in the original should be included. If it is against citation by others, this should be so stated. Signed permission is required for use of data from persons cited in personal communication. ANSI standard style adapted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) should be followed. Consult . References should be numbered and listed consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text and should be identified in the text, tables and legends by Arabic numerals as superscripts in brackets. The full list of reference at the end of the paper should include; names and initials of all authors up to six (if more than 6, only the first 6 are given followed by et al.); the title of the paper, the journal title abbreviation according to the style of Index Medicus ( ), year of publication; volume number; first and last page numbers. Reference of books should give the names and initials of the authors, book title, place of publication, publisher and year; those with multiple authors should also include the chapter title, first and last page numbers and names and initials of editors. For citing website references, give the complete URL of the website, followed by date of accession of the website. Quote such references as - author name, title of the article, the website address, and date of accession.

Journals: Mehta MN, Mehta NJ. Serum lipids and ABO Blood group in cord blood of neonates. Indian J Pediatr. 1984; 51:39-43.

Book: Smith GDL. Chronic ear disease. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1980.

Chapter in the Book: Malhotra KC. Medicogenetics problems of Indian tribes. In: Verma IC, editor. Medical genetics in India. vol. 2. Pondicherry: Auroma Entrprises; 1978. p. 51-55.

Papers accepted but not yet published should be included in the references followed by ‘in press'. Those in preparation, personal communications and unpublished observations should be referred to as such in the text only.


These should be of the highest quality. Graphs should be drawn by the artist or prepared using standard computer software. Number all illustrations with Arabic numerals (1,2,3….) and include them on a separate page on the document.


A descriptive legend must accompany each illustration and must define all abbreviations used therein.


These must be self–explanatory and must not duplicate information in the text. Each table must have a title and should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each table should be typed in double space, on a separate sheet of paper. No internal horizontal or vertical lines should be used. All tables should be cited in the text.


As there are no universally accepted abbreviations authors should use familiar ones and should define them when used first in the text.

Online Submission of Manuscripts:

Manuscripts can be submitted electronically at the our website .We have an online unbiased processing system and the authors can login any time to view the status of any submitted article. Authors need to register as a new author for their first submission if you are seeing this page then it means you have already registered. There is no need to send a hard copy. For any query contact editorial office at



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Tamilnadu journal of pubilc health and medical research - TNJPHMR is the Official Quarterly Medical Journal published by the Directorate of Pubilc Health, Tamil Nadu.