TNJPHMR Standard Review Policy:

Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research, is an official publication from the directorate of Public Health, Government of Tamilnadu . We do a SINGLE BLIND PEER REVIEW where in the manuscript is sent for review to the reviewer without the details of the author and hence his/her review will be devoid of bias with respect to the nature of the author.

TNJPHMR Plaigirism Policy:

We scan every manuscript routinely through competent Plaigirism services such as URKUND etc. and any article / manuscript with more than 20% of plaigirism in outside review content shall be rejected and communicated to the author. But we do do cosiderable diligence in verifiying the plaigirised content before any such rejections.

TNJPHMR Standard Review Procedure:

Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research, is an official publication from the directorate of Public Health, Government of Tamilnadu . It publishes original Research articles/ Case Reports /Scientific papers focusing on Anatomy , Physiology , Pharmacology , Pathology , Biochemistry , Opthalmology , ENT , Community Medicine, General Medicine , Surgery , Obstetrics & Gynaecology , Paediatrics , Cardiology and other specialties ; and invites annotations, comments, and review papers on recent advances, editorial correspondence, news and book reviews.

Tamilnadu Journal of Public Health and Medical Research Review Process is completely transparent and the author at any point of time need only login to see the processing of his/her article. The article processing at TNJPHMR is State of the art and is rivalled only by certain other international journals

The Review process is a 7 Step process , which is transparent to the author throughout.

1. Submission - Status Shown "Article Submitted - Under Processing" - The Article after being submitted by the user online is sent to the associate editor of MJMR . Simultaneously the author also gets an automatic reply email , confirming his submission on our website. The associate editor then goes throught the manuscript and verifies all the necessary details have been included ie the covering letter , author details , abstract etc.. and also verifies that the manuscripts confers to our rules and regulations ie the word count, reference formating etc. Once he has verified that the manuscript has been submitted according to our standards , he forwards the article to the chief editor for approval and reviewer alotment.

2. Review - Status Show "Article sent for PEER Review" - Once the chief editor confirms the work done by the associate editor he then assigns two reviewers from our affiliated reviewers according the field of medical science , conflict of interest and logistical availability . The article is sent to the two reviewers independantly for approval and the reviewers are blinded from the author details ie a single blind review is done and the reviewer details are never revealed to the author.

3. Chief Editor Approval - Status shown "Article Reviewed - Sent to Cheif Editor for approval" - The article after beeing succesfully reviewed by our reviwers are finally sent to the chief editor for one final approval . Once the chief editor approves the article and author gets an acceptance letter along with the details of the payment to be made incase he has opted to purchase a print copy.

4. Awaiting Payment - Status Shown " Article Accepted - Awaiting Payment " - Once the author gets the email with details regarding how to make the payment he has 45 days till manuscript expires or 45 days till the payment reaches us.

5. Awaiting Publication - Status Shown "Article Accepted - Awaiting Publication" - Once he has sent the payment the treasurer confirms the payment and send then article for publishing. and article is then pushed on to the queue for technical editor to take up for data entry and formating into a well formated article for it to get the MJMR Seal of Approval.

6. Article Published - Status Shown "Article Published" - Once the data entry and formating by the technical editor is complete and he has uploaded the data onto the website and designed the print editor for the quaterly edition , everything is once again sent to the chief editor for approval and is published only after his approval. Once everything is approved it is published and an email containing all the deatails with an digitally signed ceritificate is sent to the author.

7. Hard Copy Sent - Status Shown "Article Published - Hard Copy Sent" - After this the treasurer takes up the responsibility of sending the hard copy of the particular issue to those who have requested for it during submission and the process may take upto 15-20 working days.

We hold pride in saying that we complete the process in record time from submission to acceptance through our state of the art transparent process.



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Total Articles : 157
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Tamilnadu journal of pubilc health and medical research - TNJPHMR is the Official Quarterly Medical Journal published by the Directorate of Pubilc Health, Tamil Nadu.