Trends of Teenage Pregnancy in Tamil Nadu (2019-2024)


Introduction : Teenage pregnancy is a global social and public health challenge that affects millions of girls worldwide. It has detrimental effects on the physical, emotional, and social well-being of adolescents, as well as on their educational and economic prospects. This paper aims to examine the trends in teenage pregnancy in Tamil Nadu from 2019 to 2024, and the distribution of teenage pregnancies across districts in Tamil Nadu. Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study design was employed to analyze the trends in teenage pregnancy. The study utilized data from the HMIS portal. A total of 49,93,093 records of antenatal mothers in the HMIS portal from April 2019 to March 2024 were included in the analysis. Data analysis involved descriptive analysis using Microsoft Excel to determine the prevalence of teenage pregnancies and their distribution across different districts in Tamil Nadu. RESULTS : The study identified 62,870 teenagers with a cumulative teenage pregnancy rate of 1.3%. The rates of teenage pregnancy over the years are 2019-20 at 1.1%, 2020-21 at 1.3%, 2021-22 at 1.3%, 1.1% in 2022-23and 2023-24 at 1.5%. Among the districts, Nagapattinam is at 3.3%, followed by Theni at 2.4% and Perambalur at 2.3%. Kancheepuram, Virudhunagar, Nagercoil, and Chennai have the lowest teenage pregnancy rates, ranging from 0.4% to 0.7%. CONCLUSION : The findings reveal that teenage pregnancy remains a significant concern across districts in Tamil Nadu. It is important to recognize that the challenge of teenage pregnancy requires a holistic approach. While the existing interventions have made significant strides, there is a need for greater emphasis on school-based sex education, behavioural change communication, and community participation. Encouraging active involvement from communities, parents, and other stakeholders will foster a more comprehensive and sustainable approach.

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