
INTRODUCTION : Tamil Nadu was one among the nine states which contributed to 95% of total burden of filariasis in India. Tamil Nadu is the pioneer state in the country to launch the MDA program during 1996 as pilot project even before the declaration by WHO Assembly for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis. Based on the successful results, the program has been extended to the other 26 endemic districts of Tamil Nadu from 1998. Mass Drug Administration with Diethyl carbamazine was implemented in all 26 districts from 2007 -12 (4 rounds) . The state achieved coverage of >65% in all these rounds. The state completed 3 rounds of Transmission Assessment Survey in 2014, 2016 and 2018 with microfilaria rate of 0.18%, 0.21% and 0.10% respectively. The mass drug administration with DEC was stopped since 2015. Morbidity management and disability prevention strategies includes morbidity survey and line listing of patients with morbidity related to filariasis, promotion of Hydrocele operation in camp approach and all operable hydrocele cases were operated and all lymphoedema cases were trained by doctors on limb oedema management and morbidity management kits are distributed. The state is currently in the stage of dossier preparation and submission for verification process, following which the state will be certified for achieving lymphatic filariasis elimination status.

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