
ABSTRACT: Intrinsic discoloration of the anterior teeth may have a considerable influence on the cosmetic aspect and the personality of an individual. The prime reason for this is the alteration in structure and composition of the dental hard tissues. Factors such as tooth injury, ageing, systemic or metabolic diseases play an important role in intrinsic discolouration. The amount of tooth structure destroyed, location of the fracture and the severities of discolorations are considered while selecting a type of treatment, a type of restorative material and kind of tooth preparation. There are numerous treatment options for tooth discoloration like placement of veneers, crowns and bleaching. The advantages of selecting bleaching technique for non-vital tooth over veneers or crowns are that it is minimally invasive, more esthetically appealing and less expensive. Nevertheless, it relies on the clinician’s skill and knowledge to progress ahead with a good case selection and to prevent any post procedural glitches that may befall. This present article emphasizes on two cases of non-vital discoloured teeth that were treated by walking bleach method using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate.

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