Walk in Centre – One Stop TB Solution- A model- ‘Game Changer’ in Tuberculosis Control


Abstract INTRODUCTION : India accounts for one-third of the tuberculosis cases worldwide. States must step up their efforts if they have to meet the challenging target of eliminating tuberculosis by 2025. The prevalence of tuberculosis in Tamil Nadu was 210 per lakh population (1), according to the Tamil Nadu TB prevalence survey. A key factor in interrupting the chain of transmission is early detection and treatment. Despite the fact that National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) decentralised laboratory services, a lot of patients are still diagnosed only in the secondary and tertiary health facilities. This has made it necessary to improve the services provided by the primary health care facilities. Hence Tamil Nadu has adopted the walk-in tuberculosis centre paradigm in this setting where all the services are brought under one umbrella at Primary Health Centre level. KEY WORDS : : Walk in Centre- One Stop TB Solution, One Stop TB, Walk in Centre for TB, Game Changer in TB Control

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