Impact of Pandemic on mortality trends in Tamil Nadu 2019-2022


INTRODUCTION : Mortality statistics are needed to estimate the measures of health among the population. It helps to understand differentials in population health among different sub groups in the population (1). The trend of mortality is liable to change during a pandemic and there was increase in number of deaths due to COVID-19. This study is done to determine the mortality trends noted in Tamil Nadu from 2019-2022. OBJECTIVES : The objectives is to determine the trend in all-cause mortality among total population from 2019-2022 and to determine whether there is any difference in mortality among different age groups, genders and among districts for the years 2019-2022
METHODOLOGY : It was descriptive study from the Civil Registration System data of Tamil Nadu from 2019-2022. Data were collected in excel sheet and calculated mortality rates for total population, both genders, different age groups and by districts for the year 2019-2022.
RESULTS : We analysed all mortality records from 2019-2022. A peak in the all-cause mortality (11.44/1000 population) was noted during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021) which started to decline Post COVID-19 in 2022 (9.07/1000 population), although the mortality was slightly higher compared to Pre COVID-19 period (2019). Similar pattern was observed in both gender. Male mortality was higher than Female mortality in all four years. Among Age groups, there was a drastic increase of mortality in 60 plus age group during COVID-19 (57/1000 population). All-cause mortality was high in Thanjavur district (10.2/1000 population) during 2019 while the mortality was high in Coimbatore during 2021 (14.4/1000 population) and 2022(11.6/1000 population).
CONCLUSION : All-cause mortality had a significant increase in COVID period and the effect is noted in Post COVID period. Gender specific mortality trend is higher in male compared to Female population in Tamil Nadu. Age specific mortality is higher in 60+ age group and it peaked up during 2021 which might be due to the effect of Pandemic. District specific mortality is noted to be higher in Coimbatore during and following COVID-19.

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