INTRODUCTION: Covid vaccination in India began on January 16, 2021. The vaccination was launched in phased manner. The first phase of the roll out was in January 2021 involved health workers and front line workers. The next phase of the vaccine roll out on 1st March 2021 covered all residents over the age of 60 and residents between the ages 45 and 60 with co morbidities. From 1st April 2021, eligibility was extended to all residents over the age 45. From 21st June 2021, the vaccination was extended to all above 18 yrs. The next phase of the roll out on 3rd January 2022 for all the adolescents under the age group of 15 – 18 yrs and on 10th January 2022 precaution dose for the health workers, front line workers and 60 + population with co morbidities. The phase six roll out was on 16th March 2022 for the children ages 12 – 14 years and precaution dos for all persons ages more than 60 years.. There were challenges in the implementation of covid vaccination programme all over India. During the initial period of roll out (January 2021) vaccine hesitancy was there. Later during the post peak of 1st wave and 2nd wave of covid pandemic vaccine avoidance was the challenge faced. There was also inequity in vaccine supply also. The Departments adopted various innovations for the coverage of covid vaccination. One among those innovations was the standalone vaccination centre.