BACKGROUND : Anaemia is the major preventable cause and it warrants a public health concern in antenatal mothers since it affects both the mother and child and to the extreme it leads to death. Improper nutritional intake, poor socio-economic status and varied compliance to the oral iron therapy are the major preventable causes for anaemia in pregnant mothers.
OBJECTIVES : To describe the Trends of Severe Anemia among Antenatal Mother with respect to age, parity, in Mayiladuthurai district, Tamil Nadu during 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2022, Tamil Nadu, India.
METHODS : The data will be collected and entered in excel sheets. Proportion and means will be calculated. The quantitative data will be analysed. All the data will be obtained from PICME portal (Pregnancy Infant Cohort Monitoring Evaluation)
RESULTS : There is a increase in antenatal registration through PICME platform from 2018 through 2022 (51.24% to 95.62%). Screening of Antenatal Mothers increased gradually from 60.06% – 95.41%.Detection of severe Anaemia cases increased from 42 cases to 103 cases (of 6993 and 10796 respectively) warrants for effective management and prevention of complications.
CONCLUSION : In this study Detection of severe anaemia in antenatal mothers is increased because of the effective screening of anaemia is increased in the antenatal mothers from 60% to 95%.
RECOMMENDATIONS : Early detection and identification of severe anaemia warrants needful implementation of services plays a major role maintenance of maternal and child health indicators in satisfactory limit which again reinforces the effectiveness of ongoing programme Severe anaemia is having morbidity and mortality risk in both mother and infant vs POST PARTUM HEMORRHAGE, INFECTION, SEPSIS & LOW BIRTHWEIGHT, PREMAURITY, STILL BIRTHS AND NEURAL TUBE DEFECT, LBW, PRETERM DELEVARIES, STILL BIRTH, NTD. With proper implementation of Anaemia Mukt Bharath, Intensified Iron Plus Initiative, WIFS Adolescent WIFS , National Deworming Programme we can prevent the anaemia.