BACKGROUND : Following precautionary measures will be the best way of containing COVID-19 even after vaccine invention
or treatment innovation as the latter may not reach remote population. However, differences have been observed in
behavioral adherence to precautionary measures among people, especially the basic level healthcare workers who involve
in patient care and supportive services, getting constantly exposed to infectious diseases. Here, we aim to explore how the
intra-personal factors influence adherence to precautionary measures using Health belief model to plan for an effective
behavior change intervention.
OBJECTIVES : 1.To assess the adherence to precautionary measures among basic level healthcare workers in a tertiary care
hospital, Chennai.
2.To evaluate health beliefs with respect to COVID-19 and its precautionary measures.
METHODS : A cross-sectional study was conducted among 110 Basic level healthcare workers, chosen by simple random
sampling at a tertiary care hospital in Chennai, during the months of November and December 2020. An Interviewer
administered semi-structured, pretested questionnaire was used to collect data. The data was entered in MS Excel and
analyzed by SPSS 16.
RESULTS : Despite working in a covid care hospital, where exposure is very high, Face mask was properly worn by only
35.5% of the workers. Only 33.6% of the workers ensured safe patient care, maintaining adequate physical distancing of
3 feet. Hand hygiene was followed least following activities like pushing trolley, using lifts. Perceived barrier was very
high with mean score of 16.55, while perceived severity was low with mean of 11.78. High correlation was seen between,
Hand-wash-Perceived benefits; safe patient care-perceived barrier; touching face-perceived susceptibility; Wearing maskperceived
CONCLUSION : This study cast spotlight over the insubstantial health behavior of basic level workers in health care. Effort
must be taken to educate them in order to prevent infectious hazardous diseases, as they are the vulnerable exposed
group. This will ensure that the health system is strengthened as a whole.