Community Campaign By A Hilly District To Vaccinate 100% Of Its Tribal Populations


The Nilgiris is a hilly terrain lying in the western ghats with around 500 tribal towns. It has a population of 7,21,949 and is home to 27,032 tribal people. Out of the 75 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in India, six groups reside in The Nilgiris district: Todas, Kotas, Irulas, Paniyas, Kurumas and Kattunayakans. Though the district had a much lower caseload during the first wave of COVID-19 compared to the state, the second wave saw four times the caseload of the first wave, affecting the tribal populations spread across the forests and hills of The Nilgiris. The Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPH & PM) of The Nilgiris then decided to undertake an initiative to achieve 100% vaccine coverage for the tribal populations on a priority basis. The decision was taken based on close observation and prevalent knowledge of their traditional and cultural practices. Culturally, these populations exhibit a closely knit community behavior. They live very close to each other, and majority of their cultural practices involve coming together or aggregating in groups. Hence, we believed they had increased risk for transmission of COVID-19. Additionally, they live in isolated pockets remote from health facilities and exhibit poor health seeking behavior, rendering them a specifically vulnerable group. With this rationale, we embarked on a challenging endeavor of vaccinating the tribal populations of The Nilgiris on priority basis during March to June 2021.