Background : The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-2 is a novel coronavirus belongs to the family of
corona viridae and it originated in the Wuhan city of China in 2019. The disease caused by this virus, termed coronavirus
disease 19 or simply COVID-19, has rapidly spread throughout the world at an alarming pace and has been declared a
pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020.
Vitamin A is a multifunctional vitamin involved in the proliferation and maintenance of epithelial cells in the body,
including those of the respiratory tract epithelium. The immune-mediating, antioxidant and antimicrobial roles of vitamin
A was applied in the study. Because of its proven effectiveness in protecting against measles-associated pneumonia,
Vitamin A supplementation in the healthcare workers has been investigated as a possible intervention to speed recovery,
reduce the incidence and the severity of the covid 19 infections.
Objective : To estimate the incidence of covid 19 infection among the health care workers who received the vitamin” A”
Methodology: An observational study was conducted for 6 months from month of May 2020 to November 2020 among
the health care workers in primary care system of Salem district of Tamil Nadu. The sampling was a purposive sampling to
supplement Vitamin A to all the primary health care workers. Vitamin A supplementation was given to the primary health
care workers and the reports were documented.
Results: Among the primary healthcare workers, the positivity rate was 1.2% and 46% in the Vitamin A recipients and
Vitamin A nonrecipients respectively. The mortality rate was 0.05 and 0.26 among the Vitamin A recipients and Vitamin A
nonrecipients healthcare workers respectively.
Conclusion: There is a chance of reducing covid 19 infections among the health care workers. Possible reduction in death
rate is also possible for which the study to be by assessing the complications.